Thursday 13 May 2010

First Post ... "Welcome!!"

This is a place for users of my Android applications (SECuRET, WiFi File Explorer, etc.) to get information and instructions as well as news on updates and forthcoming developments.  Also, please give me feedback and ideas for new features; lots of the features you already see in my applications are based on user feedback and requests ... so don't be afraid to ask, because if it's possible (and I find the time), you may just see your idea in one of my applications ;)


  1. I love the app. I am running it right now to monitor my front porch as I wait for a delivery.
    Only problem is the resizable window. Big glitch which puts an inset section of the image across the window. It constantly updates and obscures most of the image. Tried running it using Firefox, IE8 and Opera. Exact same problem

  2. Hi Levi, glad you like the app. Could you email me a screenshot of what you are seeing, please?

  3. how do i setup the address for the webcam to show up in my computer browser?

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